The Scholar
A History of Western Choral Music (in production, publication anticipated Fall 2011)—Oxford University Press
Handel's Messiah: The Complete Solo Variants (Roger Dean Music, 2009)
"Historical Music and Contemporary Worship," The Complete Library of Christian Worship, 7 vols., Robert Webber, ed. (Nashville, TN: Robert Martyn Press, 1994)
"Choral Music in the Culture of the Nineteenth Century," in the Cambridge Companion to Choral Music, Andre de Quadros, ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011?)
1. "Music and Words: Benjamin Britten's 'Evening Primrose'." The Choral Journal, vol. 45/1 (August, 2004), pp. 27-33
2. "Modal Analysis for the Choral Conductor," The Choral Journal, vol. 43/3 (October, 2002), pp. 35-47.
3. "J. S. Bach and the Concerto: Ritornello Structure as a Guide to Rehearsal," The Choral Journal, vol. 41/5 (November, 2000), pp.
4. Reviews (Commissioned) of 4 CD recordings of Johannes Brahms' choral music, The Choral Journal, vol. 38/2 (September, 1997), pp. 47-51
5. Review (Commissioned) of William Bullock's new English performance edition of Johannes Brahms' Ein Deutsches Requiem, op. 45, The Choral Journal, vol. 38/2 (September, 1997), pp. 63-67.
6. "Paul Hindemith's 'Six Chansons': Genesis and Analysis, The Choral Journal, vol. 36/2 (September, 1995), pp. 21-27
7. "Mastering Melismas," The Choral Journal, vol. 36/1 (August, 1995), pp. 37-38
8. "Palestrina's Style: the Art of Balance," The Choral Journal, vol. 35/1 (August, 1994), pp. 13-17
9. "Josquin's 'Ave Maria…virgo serena': A Question of Proportion," The Choral Journal, vol. 33/3 (October, 1992), pp. 15-16
10. "Josquin's 'Ave Maria…virgo serena', pt. 2: Rhythm and Accent, The Choral Journal, vol. 33/4 (November, 1992), pp. 15-16
11. "J. S. Bach's 'Lutheran' Masses: Aspects of Chronology and Structure," The Choral Journal, vol. 29/3 (February, 1989), pp. 5-11
12. "Formal Structure as a Guide to Rehearsal Strategy in 'Psalm 90' by Charles E. Ives," The Choral Journal, vol. 25/8 (March, 1989), pp. 21-25
13. "Heinrich Schütz and the Lutheran Chorale," The Hymn, A Journal of Congregational Song, vol. 36/4 (1985), pp. 24-35
National Association of Teachers of Singing (Salt Lake City, UT): The Variant Solo Music in G. F. Handel's 'Messiah'" (July, 2010)
National Collegiate Choral Organization (Cincinnati, OH):
"Heinrich Schütz's Cantiones sacrae (1625): A Forgotten Source of Choral Repertory"
Panelist: Scholarship and the Choral Conductor (November, 2008)
"J. S. Bach's Magnificat in D (BWV 243): A Paradigm of Baroque Choral Style," ACDA Central Division Convention (Grand Rapids, IL, March, 2008)
"Conceiving a Comprehensive Study of the evolution of Western Choral Music" Yale University Graduate Seminar (New Haven, April, 2007)
"The Choral Works of Heinrich Schütz" University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Seminar (February, 2007)
"Mensuration, Proportion and Microrhythm in Renaissance Choral Music" Lecture-Demonstration, ACDA Southwest Division Convention (St. Louis, MO, 2006)
"Words and Music: Benjamin Britten as Composer and Poet" International Conference of Arts and Humanities (Honolulu, HI, January, 2004)
Performance Practice in the Choral Music of the Sixteenth Century" ACDA Central Division Convention (Detroit, MI, March, 1998)
Moderator: Panel Discussion on Adapting Historical Performance Practices to Contemporary performance" ACDA Central Division Convention (Cincinnati, OH, March 1996)
Program Co-Chair: Symposium on the Music of Henry Purcell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, November, 1995)
"The Choral Music of Benjamin Britten" Cincinnati Conservatory of Music (March, 1993)
Lecture on and Performance of G. P. da Palestrina's Missa Brevis Illinois State ACDA Conference, Millikin University (July, 1993)
"Where Front-Line Musicology Meets Grass-Roots Performance Practice: Musicology and the Choral Conductor" ACDA Central Division Convention (Chicago, IL, March, 1992)
"W. A. Mozart's Requiem in d minor (K. 626): History and Performance" Illinois State ACDA Conference (DeKalb, IL, October, 1990)
"Performance Practice in Renaissance Music—Josquin des Prez's Ave Maria…virgo serena" ACDA North Central Division Convention (Milwaukee, WI, March, 1990)
Presentation on Performance Practice in Selected Renaissance Choral Music—Missouri Music Educators Association Conference (Osage Beach, MO, January, 1989)
Program Co-Chair: Thirtieth International Heinrich Schütz Festival and Conference (Urbana, IL, October, 1985)